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Chakra Harmonics

Balancing with Crystals, Tuning Forks, and Resonance
New Class is forming now!
For early notification of class location and dates, please text 216.903.1572
This is a 2-day class

Take your Reiki, energetic bodywork or massage practice to a new level or take the plunge into the healing career you've always wanted by learning a technique to help others make measurable steps towards improving their lives. 

What the Class Includes:

  • Training and experience in verbal and energetic chakra assessment 

  • Visualization scripts for grounding your client and heart opening

  • Understanding how chakras interact with each other

  • Using chakra energy  and heart coherence to promote energetic processing with the intention of helping your client reduce or eliminate energies associated with repetitive thought patterns and tendencies

  • Using your empathic gifts to assist, without "taking on" or being affected by low frequency emotions of others. This technique can also be integrated seamlessly into daily interactions with those you live or work with

  • Using crystals and tuning forks in the detection, assessment and processing of misqualified energies

  • Class includes power point presentation, instruction, Q&A and practice sessions.  Over the course of the weekend, students can practice the techniques on as many as four volunteers

What You Will Need:

  • A basic knowledge of chakras: colors, locations, and aspects

  • Massage table or gravity chair, crystal tower, tuning forks and activator. For more information on required items, click here.

What Chakra Balancing can do:

  • Promote energetic coherence

  • Ground the body with earth energy

  • Promote the processing of low frequency energies to lower their influence on the client's life

  • Help to increase intuition, in the client as well as the practitioner

  • Reduce stress

  • Provide a sort of energetic "reset” or "defrag"

  • Put one in better touch with their own emotions and the emotions of others


Typically Reported Results: 

  • The client becomes more present in their daily life

  • The client is able to recognize repetitive patterns 

  • The client is more in touch with higher frequency emotions such as joy, love, heart coherence, and gratitude

  • Client expresses more hope for the future and reduced stress

  • More energy is freed up for daily activities and life events

Questions? Please call/text  216.903.1572


Class Fee $375

To sign up and make 3 monthly payments of $125 each,  click here!

- OR -

Pay in full for a $25 discount- click here!

Fee Covers:

  • two days of instruction

  • 7 methods of assessing chakra health

  • guided practice

  • demonstrations of the techniques

  • comprehensive student manual

  • instructions on using tuning forks, crystals, and pendulums

  • chakra evaluation and balancing for each participant (student work)

  • comprehensive training from up to three experienced instructors (depending on class size)

AMAZING!!! See before and after Bio-Well scans where this technique was used.
                       CLICK HERE


If you have any trouble signing up, please call/text  216.903.1572

If you try to sign up and the class is already full, text to be on the waiting list in case a student needs to cancel. If there are no cancellations you will get early admission to the next class before it is offered to the public.


"I really appreciate being provided with visualization scripts and the power point summary from the lecture portion of class. This was very informative and watching and learning the techniques was great."
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